Are there ways to end the period faster? Despite the advances in medicine, tablets with this effect have not yet been invented. This does not mean, however, that a woman is doomed to endure the nuisance associated with menstrual bleeding. How to stop period? See how to do it.
How to make the period end faster?
Many women bother with this question. For many women, menstrual bleeding is a huge nuisance, especially when the period lasts a week and the bleeding is very intense. Theoretically, with a regular menstrual cycle, the period lasts 3-6 days and during this time a woman loses 20 to 100 milliliters of blood (on average, however, on average 50 milliliters). Sometimes, however, the period is so abundant that a woman uses more than 10 sanitary pads during this time, and a change of sanitary pad or tampon is necessary more often than every 2-3 hours.

How do you move the tablet period?
Women who use birth control pills usually containing two compounds derived from female sex hormones – estrogens and progestogens, may not take a 7-day bleeding break and start a new pack immediately. This means that after taking the last tablet from the blister, take the first tablet the next day from the new package (new blister). By using this method, you can stop bleeding in a given cycle, although you can never be sure that bleeding will not occur at some point.
You can also try to speed up your bleeding by shortening the 21-day cycle by 1 to a maximum of 7 days. Thanks to this, bleeding will occur 1 to 7 days earlier, respectively. However, the use of such a method should be consulted with a gynecologist.
There are no home ways to stop menstruation.
Why did the period stop by itself
One of the reasons for stopping menstruation may be the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), which can also lead to infertility. PCOS through irregular or no menstrual periods and excessive hair growth (i.e. hirsutism).
The cycle disorder is also affected by hyperprolactinemia, i.e. excess prolactin in the body, which often causes no bleeding, sudden galactorrhoea and – like PCOS – can also lead to infertility.
It turns out that stress can affect the dysregulation of the menstrual cycle as much as possible. Big emotions and stress hormone (cortisol), which appears as a result of shocking experiences or anxiety, have a very significant impact on the work of the entire hormonal economy.
Menopause, which usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age, can affect menstrual arrest after the age of 40. During this period, the menstrual cycle, which was regular up to now, may be slightly shorter or longer. In the premenopausal phase, some women may appear every 3 weeks or, on the contrary, every 40 or 60 days. It is worth knowing that the bleeding can last up to 14 days.