Even the most charming puppy from the age of about six weeks already has these 28 teeth, which he would like to use to chew on while playing. Although it can only stab gently with its fine needles, without causing much damage to the health of the “bitten” person, from the very beginning the owner should pay attention to eliminate such behavior in his ward. One often hears the opinion that the tendency to bite is innate and cannot be learned. However, it is wrong and unfortunately it can be fraught with negative effects. The ability to control the dog is crucial in the coexistence between him and the owner – it prevents serious injuries in the event of an emergency.
Why does the dog bite everything?
Puppies and their teeth
The problem of biting largely concerns puppies. This behavior is primarily associated with the appearance of teeth or their replacement. We notice the first milk teeth, most often incisors, in puppies around 3 and 4 weeks of age.
By the 8th week puppies should have all 28 milk teeth. During this time, the puppy bites to relieve the itchy gums. When we think that the doggy’s natural need to bite during tooth eruption is already behind us, the process of replacing milk teeth with permanent ones begins – it takes place from the 3rd to the 8th month of life.

A signal that the dog is upset
Not always biting is associated with bad habits. If the dog bites the guardian, it can be a signal that the animal is suffering. The dog can bite under the influence of pain or discomfort. If he bites himself, this may be a sign of illness.
The dog’s persistent biting of its tail, paws or side can be a signal that something bad is happening to the dog and you need to consult a specialist. The reason for this behavior can be both genetic predisposition and health problems, including allergies, as well as prolonged stress. If the dog is physically okay and bites not himself, but things at home, then the reason for this behavior may be behavioral disorders.
Natural bite training
Even the friendliest dogs can sometimes bite – for example, when someone accidentally stands on their paws and is afraid of sudden pain. Already the youngest dogs learn through play how to control this natural weapon: When one of the siblings bites too much when pushing together, the injured puppy immediately jumps back, reacts with a squeak or resigns from playing at all. For a pooch who has bitten his brother or sister, such reactions are also unpleasant, which teaches him that biting also has negative effects for him. The siblings quickly understand that teeth should only be used when thinking. Therefore, natural development and socialization in favorable conditions gives the optimal basis to stop this type of behavior in an adult dog. Unfortunately, not every newly baked owner after bringing home a puppy continues this natural training. This is also of great importance for dogs of small breeds as well as very sociable and friendly dogs, because they can also react too quickly in a stressful situation and bite without warning. However, a trained dog will only give a warning signal.